VALLEY COTTAGE, N.Y., Sept. 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Compared to plastic bottles, glass bottles demonstrate diminutive competency with respect to their characteristics as a packaging commodity. Despite this, the global demand for glass bottles continues to surge like the effervescence of carbonated drinks. Consumers in developed markets such as Europe still prefer buying beer, wine or non-alcoholic beverages in glass bottles. Unlike plastic bottles, glass bottles continue to be identified for their characteristic advantage in terms of hygiene, aesthetic appeal, durability, and being impermeable.
Pabrik produk kadaharan sarta inuman anu aktip nganut botol kaca salaku solusi bungkusan maranéhanana, tempo kumaha botol ieu bisa tetep item nu gembleng tur ogé ngaropéa rasa leres na liwat hiji periode lila. Keur difusi-tahan, botol kaca geus ogé geus diteuteup salaku hiji peti vital pikeun nyimpen sanyawa volatile, detergents kacida-réaktif sarta agén pemutihan. produk misalna anu utamana dipaké ku pamakéna dina bentuk farmasi, surfactants domestik, jeung barang kosmetik.
Numutkeun Future Market wawasan, paménta pikeun botol kaca bakal soar steadily leuwih lima taun ka hareup. Ku 2022, pasar botol kaca global ieu diantisipasi geus ngahontal ajén AS $ 71 milyar, reflecting a CAGR of 4.9%. laporan ogé proyék nu Asia-Pasifik kaasup Jepang (APEJ) bakal tetep di forefront of ékspansi pasar salila periode ramalan.
Post time: 2019-02-13