factory low price Essentila Oil Glass Bottle – 30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Oral Liquid Bottle Custom Liquid Glass Amber Round Bottle with Aluminum Cap for Medicine Liquid Syrup – Linlang

Pondok Description:

Overview Quick Details Surface Handling: Engraving Industrial Use: Pharmaceutical Sealing Type: SCREW CAP Use: Liquid Medicine Place of Origin: Jiangsu, China (Mainland) Model Number: KF-471 Brand Name: LL Product name: Pharma Oral Liquid Bottle Bottle color: Amber Shape: Round Shape Closure: glass bottle with aluminum cap Bottle Capacity: 30/50/100ml Feature: air-tight & no leakage Usage: Pharmaceutical Volume: 30/50/100ml ...
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 1000000 Potongan / Potongan per Bulan
  • Palabuhan:Shanghai
  • Sarat pembayaran: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
  • jéntré produk

    Pidéo Anu Patalina

    Eupan Balik (2)

    The really abundant projects management experiences and 1 to just one provider model make the high importance of business enterprise communication and our easy understanding of your expectations for Botol Borosilicate Kaca Cai, 16oz Mason Jar, Vodka Bottle, Since the factory founded, we have committed to the development of new products. With the social and economic pace, we will continue to carry forward the spirit of "high quality, efficiency, innovation, integrity", and stick to the operating principle of "credit first, customer first, quality excellent". We will create a brilliant future in hair production with our partners.
    factory low price Essentila Oil Glass Bottle – 30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Oral Liquid Bottle Custom Liquid Glass Amber Round Bottle with Aluminum Cap for Medicine Liquid Syrup – Linlang Detail:

    Rincian gancang
    Ngatur beungeut:
    Pamakéan nandakeun Industrial:
    Type Sealing:
    screw CAP
    Pangobatan Cair
    Tempat Asal:
    Jiangsu, Cina (Daratan)
    Jumlah modél:
    Ngaran brand:
    Ngaran Produk:
    Botol Cair Lisan Pharma
    Warna botol:
    damar nu jadi kaya batu
    Bentuk Buleud
    botol kaca sareng tutup aluminium
    Kapasitas Botol:
    30/50 / 100ml
    hawa-ketang & teu aya kabocoran
    30/50 / 100ml
    OEM sareng ODM:
    disadiakeun kalawan bébas

    Kamampuhan suplai
    Suplai Kamampuhan:
    6000000 Piece/Pieces per Quarter amber glass bottle
    Bungkusan & Taliwang
    Rincian bungkusan
    Palét, karton atanapi salaku pamundut anjeun pikeun Botol Cair Lisan Cai.
    Shanghai / Lianyungang / Qingdao / Tianjin
    Kuantitas (Potongan) 1 - 100000 >100000
    Est. Waktos (dinten) 30 Bisa disawalakeun
    .richtext [data-maya] { width: 750px; font-size:14px; }

    Botol Cair Lisan Cémpér Adat Cairan Kaca Amber Botol Botol sareng Cap Aluminium pikeun Sirop Cairan Kedokteran

    Panjelasan Produk


    Kami pembuatan botol kaca anu khusus kana sagala jinis produk kaca salami mangtaun-taun. Upami anjeun merenah, wilujeng sumping ka perusahaan kami.


    1. Capacity: our medicine bottle available from 20ml---500ml.


    2. Diménsi: sayogi dina ukuran anu bénten, jangkungna, diaméterna, lengkep wincik pls di handap.


    3. Bahan gelas: Kalsium bébas kaca natrium natrium.


    4. Gasket: kelas dahareun Gasket silikon, sareng karét butil.


    5. Botol kaca Warna: bening / ambar.


    6. Warna cap aluminium: Emas, pérak, emas mawar, acuk beureum, héjo, biru, jsb.


    7. prosés: suntikan-niupan, ékstrusi niupan, suntikan-molding.


    8. Jinis panyegelan: botol kaca Amber disegel ku tutup aluminium.


    9. Pamakéan industri: Botol kaca Amber kami pangsaéna pikeun vitamin / kolagén / Aloe Vera / Hydrolites inuman / botol suplemén.


    10. Kisaran suhu: Botol kaca Amber kami tiasa nanggung 120ºC suhu tinggi setrilisasi salami satengah jam.


    Ieu data botol pikeun ulasan anjeun:


    Kapasitas (ml) Botol Dia.of (mm) Sungut (mm) Jangkungna (mm) Beurat (g) pcs / karton
    20ml 28 19 80 45 300
    30ml 30 22.2 89 48.6 300
    50ml 35 25 117.5 77 240
    60ml 38 28 95 62 200
    100ml 44 25 121 112 140


    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop
    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop
    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop


    [Cap Aluminium] nyetak logo tiasa dianggo.

    Teu aya Goresan sareng cabut cet


    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop



    Émbaran parusahaan

    parusahaan  Émbaran


    Linlang (Shanghai) Kaca Produk Co., Ltd mangrupikeun perusahaan produk kaca anu propésional anu gulung ngahasilkeun, dijual, didagangkeun janten hiji. Produk kami kalebet Clear Glass Vial, botol madu kaca, botol bungbu kaca, botol enzim kaca, botol anggur gelas, botol diffuser kaca, botol minuman gelas, botol minyak gelas, botol susu gelas, botol parfum kaca, botol kaca cat kuku sareng sajabina . Kami bakal neraskeun taat kana "kualitas heula" sareng "iman anu saé" sumanget perusahaan, teras-terasan damel daérah pangolahan anu jero sareng ngahasilkeun massa, nyayogikeun jasa anu saé, efisien pikeun palanggan. Dina waktos anu sami, nawiskeun ékspor agén, deklarasi pamariksaan komoditi sareng bisnis anu sanés anu pakait kalayan harga anu paling handap.


    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop
    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop

    Bungkusan & pengiriman barang


    20ML: 300pcs / karton, atanapi pakét palét.

    30ML: 300 pcs / karton, atanapi paket palét.

    50ML: 240 pcs / karton, atanapi paket palét.

    60ML: 200 pcs / karton, atanapi paket palét. 


    Paket karton >>>

    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop
    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop
    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop



    Paket palét >>>


    30ml: 16200pcs / palét,

    50ml: 10530pcs / palét,

    100ml: 11340pcs / palét. 


    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop






    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop




    produk patali



    Pencét gambar langsung pikeun lebet kana halaman énggal!


    Botol Kaca Babak Boston >>>


    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop


    Amber kapang Injeksi Stil Vial >>>


    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop




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    30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Lisan Liquid Botol Adat Liquid Kaca Amber Babak botol jeung Aluminium Cap pikeun Kedokteran Liquid Sirop



    kontak jandela

    Q1. Naon istilah anjeun pikeun ngepak pikeun Botol Kaca Amber Babak ?

    A: Sacara umum, urang ngepak barang kami dina karton standar coklat. Upami anjeun gaduh patén anu didaptarkeun sacara hukum,
    we can pack the goods in your branded boxes after getting your authorization letters.

    Q2. Naon istilah pamayaran anjeun pikeun Glass Amber Round Botol ?

    A: T/T 30% as deposit, and 70% before delivery. We'll show you the photos of the products and packages
    before you pay the balance.

    Q3. Naon istilah kiriman anjeun pikeun Glass Amber Round Botol ?


    Q4. Kumaha upami waktos kiriman anjeun pikeun Botol Cair Oral Cai ?

    A: Sacara umum, éta bakal nyandak 25 dugi 30 dinten saatos nampi mayar sateuacanna anjeun. Waktu pangiriman khusus gumantung
    on the items and the quantity of your order.

    P5. Dupi anjeun ngahasilkeun numutkeun conto pikeun Botol Cair Lisan Cai ?

    A: Leres, urang tiasa ngahasilkeun ku sampel anjeun atanapi gambar téknis. Urang tiasa ngawangun kapang sareng perlengkapan.

    Q6. Naon kawijakan conto anjeun pikeun Botol Cair Lisan Cai ?

    A: Kami tiasa nyayogikeun sampel gratis upami kami parantos siap dina saham, tapi para nasabah kedah mayar biaya anu jelas.

    Q7. Naha anjeun nguji sadaya barang anjeun sateuacan dikintunkeun pikeun Botol Cair Lisan Cai ?

    A: Leres, urang gaduh uji 100% sateuacan  ngintunkeun botol suntikan steril .

    Q8: Kumaha anjeun ngadamel bisnis jangka panjang sareng hubungan anu saé?

    A: 1. Kami ngajaga kualitas anu saé sareng harga kalapa pikeun mastikeun konsumén urang nguntungkeun;
    2. We respect every customer as our friend and we sincerely do business and make friends with them,
    no matter where they come from.



    Gambar detail produk:

    factory low price Essentila Oil Glass Bottle – 30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Oral Liquid Bottle Custom Liquid Glass Amber Round Bottle with Aluminum Cap for Medicine Liquid Syrup – Linlang detail pictures

    factory low price Essentila Oil Glass Bottle – 30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Oral Liquid Bottle Custom Liquid Glass Amber Round Bottle with Aluminum Cap for Medicine Liquid Syrup – Linlang detail pictures

    factory low price Essentila Oil Glass Bottle – 30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Oral Liquid Bottle Custom Liquid Glass Amber Round Bottle with Aluminum Cap for Medicine Liquid Syrup – Linlang detail pictures

    factory low price Essentila Oil Glass Bottle – 30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Oral Liquid Bottle Custom Liquid Glass Amber Round Bottle with Aluminum Cap for Medicine Liquid Syrup – Linlang detail pictures

    factory low price Essentila Oil Glass Bottle – 30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Oral Liquid Bottle Custom Liquid Glass Amber Round Bottle with Aluminum Cap for Medicine Liquid Syrup – Linlang detail pictures

    factory low price Essentila Oil Glass Bottle – 30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Oral Liquid Bottle Custom Liquid Glass Amber Round Bottle with Aluminum Cap for Medicine Liquid Syrup – Linlang detail pictures

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    We constantly think and practice corresponding to the change of circumstance, and grow up. We aim at the achievement of a richer mind and body along with the living for factory low price Essentila Oil Glass Bottle – 30ml 50ml 100ml Pharma Oral Liquid Bottle Custom Liquid Glass Amber Round Bottle with Aluminum Cap for Medicine Liquid Syrup – Linlang, The product will supply to all over the world, such as: Pakistan, Estonia, Kenya, Our items have national accreditation requirements for qualified, high quality products, affordable value, was welcomed by people today all over the world. Our goods will continue to enhance within the order and look forward to cooperation with you, Should any of these products be of interest to you, please letus know. We are going to be content to offer you a quotation up on receipt of your detailed needs.
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    5 BentangBy Afra from Turkey - 2015.09.23 17:37

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