clear empty tall round drinking packaging glass bottles for juice beverage tea milk
clear empty tall round drinking packaging glass bottles for juice beverage tea milk
Featured of clear empty tall round drinking packaging glass bottles for juice beverage tea milk :
EASILY STORE THEM ANYWHERE, IN THE FRIDGE, LUNCH BAG OR CUP HOLDER: The slim design means you can take your bottles with you wherever you go, in the car, school or work .
EASY TO CLEAN AND FILL: Most water or juice bottles are a hassle to fill and wash but the wide mouth on these bottles make everything from filling to cleanup easy. We make cleaning even easier for you with a long bottle brush. Use these as healthy, eco friendly alternative to plastic bottles.
1. Kudhinda --- tinogona kudhinda mavara pamabhodhoro maererano nezvinodiwa nevatengi.
2. Surface handing---Screen printing , Frost ,hot stamping,slik printing , etc.
3. Packing --- Standard ekisipoti katoni , kana kurongedza sezvaunoda.
4. Customer test---Ensure products in super quality and good condition.
5. Free sample---we can supply free bottles for testing .
6. Brand zita: OEM chinogamuchirika
7. Mhinduro yekukurumidza uye inopindura yekuda, tichapa basa redu rakanakisisa kuti tigutse chikumbiro chine musoro chemutengi ASAP.
1.What ' That MOQ renyu girazi Bhodhoro?
U sually 20000 ~ 50000pcs, mumuto girazi bhodhoro
2.Which mhando zvinhu kuti chienderane chivharo?
Cap zvinhu: tinplate simbi kana mapurasitiki, akasiyana zvinhu zvinogona kusarudzwa
3.How pamusoro mimwe yenyu?
F ree yokuenzanisira, mitoro unganidza kuti mureza ivhu, nguva yava kumativi 3days.
Kana customized itsva muforoma ivhu, chakuvhuvhu mutengo uri 800usd kusanganisira mharidzo uye achitaura mutengo, nguva yava kumativi 35days.
4.What riri pamusoro muripo nzira?
T / T muripo zvinogamuchirika.
5.What pamusoro chiputiriso?
B ottles uye lids yakazara seperately makatoni, makatoni ndinoiitawo pallets kana chete pallets pasuru
1.The nzira dzakawanda pasuru isu kushandiswa ndeyokuita atorwa bhokisi pasuru, atorwa bhokisi ndinoiitawo nhovo kana chete nhovo pasuru sezvo pazasi akaratidza mapikicha.
2.Shipping: Kazhinji nechikepe, asi zvakasiyana maturusi vane zvakanakira nekuipira.
girazi yedu All hombodo uye ngowani (tinplate kana mupurasitiki) isu aivigirwa redu vatengi makarwe chikafu giredhi, nhumbi dzedu vakapfuura SGS bvunzo chikafu giredhi, tapota kutarisa pazasi bvunzo mushumo: