
  • Hi Leo, please check the above invoice. If no problem, please confirm, then I will have it signed and stamped and send you the scanned copy.

    Hi Leo, please check the above invoice. If no problem, please confirm, then I will have it signed and stamped and send you the scanned copy.

    Hi Leo, please check the above invoice. If no problem, please confirm, then I will have it signed and stamped and send you the scanned copy.   Yes, is okay, you can stamp and sign
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  • Why are glass containers better? What is the average size of a glass jar?

    Why are glass containers better? What is the average size of a glass jar?

    In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards sustainable living and reducing plastic waste. This movement has led to a surge in the popularity of glass jars as a more environmentally friendly alternative for storing food and other items. As awareness ...
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  • Is It Better To Store Spices In Glass, Metal Or Plastic?

    Is It Better To Store Spices In Glass, Metal Or Plastic?

    Due to its inherent properties, spice glass jar provides an excellent seal. By storing spices in their original containers with a secure seal, the spices' longevity will be prolonged, guaranteeing optimal flavor for all your cooking requirements. But still, many debate w...
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  • Can You Refill Lotion Bottles? How Long Does Glass Lotion Bottle Last?

    Can You Refill Lotion Bottles? How Long Does Glass Lotion Bottle Last?

    It's a breeze to fill up lotion dispensing bottles, small squeeze tubes, and travel-sized bottles. All you need is a measuring cup, plastic bag, or filling machine. Just squeeze or pour your lotion into the bottles and fill them up to the neck. With these simple tools, y...
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  • The development of aroma packaging: glass bottle

    The development of aroma packaging: glass bottle

    aroma packaging has undergo significant change to meet industry demand and consumer preference. glass bottle have become a popular choice for packaging aroma due to their eco-friendly nature and ability to preserve the master color and aroma of the aroma. Glass is a sus...
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  • The benefit of exploitation glass bottle for hot sauce packaging

    The benefit of exploitation glass bottle for hot sauce packaging

    hot sauce has become a basic in many kitchen around the universe. Whether you like a little spice on your greaser, egg, or pizza, hot sauce can attention deficit disorder a tease spirit to any dish. One of the main reason hot sauce is commonly found in glass jar is for p...
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  • Why Glass Jars Are Better For Storing Coffee? Are Glass Coffee Jars Airtight?

    Why Glass Jars Are Better For Storing Coffee? Are Glass Coffee Jars Airtight?

    Glass coffee jars are the first choice for storing coffee due to several factors:  AIR-TIGHT SEAL: Many glass coffee jars come with an air-tight lid that creates a secure seal. A properly sealed container keeps air out and moisture out of the coffee...
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  • Why Are Olive Oil Bottles Green? Can Olive Oil Bottles Be Recycled?

    Why Are Olive Oil Bottles Green? Can Olive Oil Bottles Be Recycled?

    Glass olive oil bottles are often made of green glass for a variety of reasons, from practical to symbolic. A practical reason for using green glass is its ability to protect the olive oil from light. Olive oil is light sensitive and prolonged exposure to UV light can ca...
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  • Glass Bottles Vs Plastic Bottles: Which Are Better For Babies

    Glass Bottles Vs Plastic Bottles: Which Are Better For Babies

    Which are better for babies, plastic bottles or glass bottles? Of course the baby glass bottle is better, especially one made of high borosilicate glass. I’m here to tell you that not only for babies but also for adults, it is best to avoid using plastic bottles because ...
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  • What are mini alcohol glass bottles called?

    What are mini alcohol glass bottles called?

    Mini Alcohol Glass Bottles, also known as nips and shooters, are small bottles that hold small amounts of alcoholic beverages. These small bottles are often used for travel, tasting and gift giving.  Mini alco...
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  • Why are glass bottles better than plastic?

    As people pay more and more attention to environmental protection, more and more people choose glass bottles instead of plastic bottles. Let's take a look at the reasons why milk glass bottles are better than plastic bottles.  ...
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  • The Latest in Glass Coffee Jar Technology

    Glass coffee jars are not just containers for your favorite brew, they are also an integral part of the coffee making process. From keeping your coffee beans fresh to providing a visual feast for the eyes, the right glass coffee jar can make all the difference in your morning cup of joe. In this ...
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  • The advantages of glass water bottle and how to choose to use

    Glass water bottles are becoming increasingly popular amongst health-conscious individuals looking to switch to sustainable alternatives from traditional plastic bottles. Not only are glass water bottles eco-friendly, but they are also hygienic and BPA-free. Glass bottles are not only convenient ...
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  • What You Need to Know About Hot Sauce Bottles

    Hot sauce bottles come in all shapes, sizes, and designs. They are an essential component of any hot sauce brand, as they serve as the vessel that contains the fiery goodness. But aside from just holding the hot sauce, the design and quality of the bottle also play a crucial role in the overall b...
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  • All kinds of mini alcohol bottles you don’t know about

    As a beverage lover, there is no doubt that you have come across mini alcohol glass bottles. These tiny bottles have been around for ages, often found in airplane refreshment carts and hotel minibars. However, they are not exclusive to commercial use. The popularity of mini alcohol glass bottles ...
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  • Essential for an active lifestyle: Water bottle

    Water Bottle is a necessity for every active lifestyle. Whether you're hiking, traveling, or just commuting, a sturdy and reliable water bottle can help keep you hydrated, refreshed, and full of energy. That's why, in this article, we're going to guide you through everything you need to know abou...
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  • What You Need To Know About Your Sauce Bottle

    Sauce bottles are a staple in every kitchen and dining table. They are not just essential for seasoning your food, they also add a touch of flavor to your dishes. Sauce bottles come in different sizes, designs, and materials, making them a versatile kitchen tool to have on hand. In this article, ...
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  • zakaj rabiš kaviar?

    In other, less trustworthy, parts of the world, caviar is sold in jars so that the customer can see what is being bought and have a little more confidence in the product. I hope that this is not needed in the UK and is hardly relevant to an internet company like Caspian Caviar. Anyway, a visual i...
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  • Kako DIY kamin uskladiti s clochejem?

    How to DIY a unique fireplace match cloche? As we know,Amony many kinds of packaging,only glass packaging has a high transparent,but also the it is also resistant to high temperature. It can show your products more clearly.  If you want to custom a unique glass fireplace match cloche bottle,we re...
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  • Choose the right liquor bottle material and decoration?

    If your spirits market is high quality, exquisite, then it is recommended that you choose the super flint glass spirits bottle. It can better improve the quality of your products, make your products look more upscale.If your spirits market is positioned below the mid-market, it is recommended th...
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  • Zakaj izbrati stekleno embalažo?

    In the packaging industry, there are plastic packaging, carton packaging, alumina packaging, glass packaging, etc. Among many packaging materials, why choose glass packaging? Because glass packaging has the following advantages. 1. Many styles and options. 2. It has many functions. It can hold no...
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  • Je kaviar dober za vas?

    Simple answer - Yes. Eating caviar can have numerous benefits to your health. One serving of caviar is packed full of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, B44, D, K and more. Caviar is also known to contain a variety of natural essential amino acid...
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    Traditionally, there are two basic ways of packaging caviar for retail sale. It is either presented in vacuum sealed tins or in vacuum sealed glass jars. On our site, you will see that we only sell proper caviar in t...
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  • What is a bubbler?

    A bubbler is between a dry pipe and a bong as far as size and strength of the hit. What differentiates a bubbler from a bong is that a bubbler typically more closely resembles a pipe in appearance and function. Bubblers usually have a mouthpiece, a bowl, and sometimes a ...
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  • Should I put essential oils in glass or plastic?

    Essential oils are a natural way to infuse your products with aromatic and medicinal uniqueness. Essential oils are concentrated compounds extracted from plants and can pack a punch not only in aromatic intensity, but in your container. To prevent deterioration and permeation, it’s imperative th...
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    Crafting your own homebrew beer requires the right bottle choices to preserve the integrity of your product. But how do you make the choice when there are so many options available? Craft beers require durable, food-safe containers that ensure your beverages taste as good as when first made, eve...
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  • Wholesale Juice Bottles: Glass Packaging

    Selecting a unique juice bottle size or shape is your first step to stand out from the competition when you’re investing in  bottles with caps for drinks. Linlang(shanghai) Glass Products Co., Ltd  provide a wide range of wholesale juice glass bottles ,to suit any beverage. If you’re looking to ...
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  • Kako pravilno zaznati kakovost steklenic?

    Glede nakladalnika steklenic, ki je v našem življenju zelo priljubljen, ima veliko steklenic za stekleno embalažo več ali manj težav med uporabo strank. Dejansko so te težave predvsem v pregledu kakovosti steklenic s strani proizvajalca in standardih, ki jih upošteva stranka ...
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    Steklenice za vodo imajo številne prednosti pred plastičnimi. Sledi pet prednosti steklenic za začetek. BREZ PROTI KONTAMINANTOM Skoraj vsi smo imeli neprijetno izkušnjo, ko smo popili požirek iz plastične ali kovinske steklenice in poskusili nekaj, kar je zagotovo bilo ...
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  • V sporu podzemne železnice v Brooklynu je moški žensko udaril s stekleno steklenico v glavo: New York Police Police je odprl navigacijo, zaprto iskanje navigacije, zaprti način Facebook Twitter YouTube e ...

    According to the police, on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, a man was under surveillance on the Brooklyn subway with a surveillance image of a woman beating a woman's head with a glass wine bottle. (New York Police Department) Brooklyn Sunset Park-On Friday, police asked the public for help to determi...
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  • Nadzor sestave stekla

    Sestavo stekla je mogoče nadzorovati z analizo vsake nove pošiljke surovin in ustrezne kemije stekla, za kar je potreben analitski laboratorij v vsaki steklarni. Daleč boljša metoda nadzora sestave je spremljanje nekaterih enostavno izmerjenih fizikalnih lastnosti stekla, ki so ...
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  • Kako razlikovati steklene posode po barvi

    Barva lahko razlikuje stekleno posodo, zaščiti njeno vsebino pred neželenimi ultravijoličnimi žarki ali ustvari raznolikost znotraj kategorije blagovne znamke. Jantarno steklo Jantar je najpogostejše barvno steklo in se proizvaja z dodajanjem železa, žvepla in ogljika. Jantar je zaradi relativnega "reduciranega" kozarca ...
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  • Kaj je steklo

    Steklo je narejeno iz naravnih trajnostnih surovin. To je najprimernejša embalaža za potrošnike, ki jih skrbi njihovo zdravje in okolje. Potrošniki imajo raje stekleno embalažo za ohranjanje okusa ali okusa izdelka ter ohranjanje celovitosti ali zdravosti živil in pijač ....
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  • Umetna masa, kovina ali steklo: Kateri je najboljši material za steklenico za vodo za večkratno uporabo?

    Steklenice za vodo za večkratno uporabo olajšajo bivanje hidrata, zmanjšajo porabo plastike za enkratno uporabo in z vedno posodobljenimi barvami, oblikami in vzorci ponujajo način za izjavo o modi ali življenjskem slogu. Zato ni čudno, da so tako velika podjetja: poročilo MarketWatch iz maja 2019 je ocenilo ...
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  • Policijska uprava v Detroitu prejme 2.000 novih mask KN95

    Policijska uprava v Detroitu je z donacijo družbe DTE Energy prejela 2.000 respiratornih mask KN95, so v ponedeljek sporočili iz urada župana Mikea Duggana. DTE Energy prispeva donacijo, so sporočili iz urada Duggan. Maske se štejejo za bistvene za pomoč pri omejevanju širjenja COV ...
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  • Glava črpalke za losjone

    Glava črpalke za losjone, model CP23, je vzmetna kozmetična kremna črpalka, katere vzmet med doziranjem ne dotika tekočine ali losjona v steklenički. Ta kozmetična črpalka je na voljo s celotnim pokrovčkom za prah, da prepreči dotik umazanije glave črpalke, medtem ko ne uporabljate razpršilnika. JAZ...
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  • Zakaj sezamovo olje uporablja steklenice

    Why does sesame oil use glass bottles We usually store sesame oil in a glass bottle and store it in a cool place.Why sesame oil can not be exposed to the sun?Now ,let's talk about it. 1. Sesame oil with glass bottles: chemical of the sesame oil is similar to the truth, that is to say the chemica...
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  • Stekleni mlečni steklenice da povratek

    Mlečna podjetja po vsej Veliki Britaniji so od začetka leta 2018 narasla v povpraševanju po mleku v steklenicah. Sedemnajst od 20 mlečnih podjetij, s katerimi se je obrnila BBC News, je zaradi zaskrbljenosti zaradi plastike povečalo prodajo steklenic za stekleno mleko po domovih. odpadki. Nekateri so že videli obstoječe stranke ...
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  • Najboljši steklenice z vodo v letu 2020

    To je nekaj najboljših alternativ plastičnim steklenicam za vodo za enkratno uporabo, s katerimi boste ves dan hidrirani. Vsi vemo, da je iz plastičnih steklenic za vodo za enkratno uporabo težko piti in škodljivo za okolje. Kljub temu pa mnogi od nas še vedno občasno pijemo ustekleničeno vodo iz plastike, če ...
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  • Ali pivo postane slabo? Tukaj je, kako lahko veste

    1. It smells like a skunk This should be pretty obvious since skunk isn't exactly an appetizing scent, but a skunky beer is often not a good beer. This is actually the root of the term "skunked," which many people use to describe bad beer. Basically a beer gets skunky when it's exposed to the rig...
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  • Steklenica viskija, prodana za 1,9 milijona dolarjev, je razbila dražbene rekorde

    A bottle of whisky sold for $1.9 million on Thursday, October 24, exploding records -- again. The Macallan Fine and Rare 60-Year-Old 1926 became the most expensive bottle of wine or spirit ever auctioned. This is the second time a vintage bottle of this kind has made history at auction. Just last...
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  • Prehod na steklo: najboljši način za shranjevanje hrane in pijače, da se izognete izpostavljenosti ftalatom in BPA

    Tehnologija stekla je stara približno 5000 let. (2) Kljub svoji dolgi zgodovini se je tehnologija stekla v zadnjih 50 stoletjih zelo malo spremenila. Steklo je material, ki ga lahko izberete za skoraj vsako uporabo hrane in pijače. To je zato, ker je steklo inertno, kar pomeni, da ne ...
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  • Carling napoveduje novo stekleno posodo za enostavno prenašanje, ki olajša čakalne vrste v trgovini

    BrandOpus continues its partnership with Carling, serving up a “glassware gamechanger” with the launch of its new, iconic, easy-carry pint glasses.   The glasses are designed to help pub goers carry up to four pints from the bar. The BrandOpus structural team were commissioned to develop an...
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  • Amazon withdraws painted children’s drinking tumblers

    Amazon has withdrawn from sale a set of painted Disney character children's drinking glasses amid safety fears. The paint used contains the toxic metal cadmium which is associated with a risk of damage to kidneys and bones and may lead to cancer, according to the NHS. However, provided safety sta...
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  • Record Collection of Glass Containers for Recycling hits 76% in the EU

    Latest industry data – published today by the European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) – show that the EU28 average collection for recycling rate for glass packaging grew to the record rate of 76% in 2017 (1). Most of the 30 billion collected containers go back into the batch of one of the 160 ...
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  • European Glass Packaging Industry to Boost EU Glass Collection for Recycling to 90% by 2030 and “Close The Glass Loop”

    The European glass packaging industry sets in motion “Close the Glass Loop” – a major stewardship programme to boost glass ‘collection for recycling’ rates to 90% by 2030 in the EU. The move comes as a proactive response to new EU rules to increase net recycling targets for glass packaging to 75%...
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  • US beer decline impacts O-I glass sales

    A decline in beer sales in the USA helped cause a drop in sales for O-I container glassmaker. The US-based global glass container manufacturer reported Q3 2019 profits were down by $50 million compared to the same period last year. Segment operating profit was $205 million, compared with $255 mil...
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  • Tips for Packing Glass Bottles in Luggage

    It is likely that you will want to take home a glass bottle or two of wine, beer, liquor, or other bottled goods or beverages. But how do you get your glass-bottled item home? Unless you buy it in the duty-free shops that are past the security lines in the airport, you cannot carry it on the plan...
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  • Key benefits of glass bottles to package food and beverage items

    Key benefits of glass bottles to package food and beverage items

    Linlang copied from: MJS Packaging has long been considered an industry leader in glass, and has sold and stocked glass bottles since being founded. Since ancient times, glass has proved to be a great packaging option for the beverage industry, and it remains true today. Glas...
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  • China prepared for second import expo: vice commerce minister

    BEIJING, Oct. 29 -- China is prepared for the second China International Import Expo (CIIE) that will run from Nov. 5 to 10 in Shanghai, Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Bingnan said Tuesday. Guests and representatives from more than 170 countries and regions have been invited to attend the expo s...
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  • Spot-Not: A Decanter Cleaner That Works

    Spot-Not: A Decanter Cleaner That Works

    Everyone knows it is impossible to properly dry and polish the inside of a decanter – until now! Spot-Not is easy to use and so effective. The Spot-Not decanter dryer has two main parts: a drying cloth that goes into the decanter and a drying mitt for the outside. Magnetic bands draw the two part...
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  • Steklenice steklo trga je pričakovati, da Registriraj se na zdravo CAGR 4,9% v predvidenem obdobju 2017 - 2022

    VALLEY COTTAGE, N.Y., Sept. 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Compared to plastic bottles, glass bottles demonstrate diminutive competency with respect to their characteristics as a packaging commodity. Despite this, the global demand for glass bottles continues to surge like the effervescence of carb...
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  • Kako je površina stekla tako ravna?

    Trenutno se ravno steklo na splošno uporabljajo v postopku float. (Znan tudi kot float stekla) Postopek je pour staljenega stekla v kositra kopel. Kositer kopel je približno nekaj metrov široke in več deset metrov dolgih. Ker ima staljeno steklo temperaturo skoraj tisoč stopinj, kositer je ...
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