clear empty tall round drinking packaging glass bottles for juice beverage tea milk
clear empty tall round drinking packaging glass bottles for juice beverage tea milk
Featured of clear empty tall round drinking packaging glass bottles for juice beverage tea milk :
EASILY STORE THEM ANYWHERE, IN THE FRIDGE, LUNCH BAG OR CUP HOLDER: The slim design means you can take your bottles with you wherever you go, in the car, school or work .
EASY TO CLEAN AND FILL: Most water or juice bottles are a hassle to fill and wash but the wide mouth on these bottles make everything from filling to cleanup easy. We make cleaning even easier for you with a long bottle brush. Use these as healthy, eco friendly alternative to plastic bottles.
1. Fanontam-pirinty---afaka manonta etikety amin'ny tavoahangy araka ny fepetra takian'ny mpanjifa.
2. Surface handing---Screen printing , Frost ,hot stamping,slik printing , etc.
3. Fonosana --- Standard fanondranana baoritra, na feno araka izay ilainao.
4. Customer test---Ensure products in super quality and good condition.
5. Free sample---we can supply free bottles for testing .
6. Brand name: OEM azo ekena
7. Famaliana haingana sy tompon'andraikitra amin'ny fitakiana, dia hanolotra ny serivisy tsara indrindra izahay mba hanomezana fahafaham-po ny fangatahan'ny mpanjifa ASAP.
1.What ' s ny MOQ ho fitaratra tavoahangy?
U sually 20000 ~ 50000pcs, saosy fitaratra tavoahangy
2.Which tsara fanahy ara-nofo ny mitovy Cap?
Cap ara-nofo: tinplate metaly na plastika, fitaovana hafa azo voafidy
3.How momba ny santionany?
F ree santionany, entana hanangona ny fitsipika santionany, ny fotoana dia manodidina 3days.
Raha lasitra vaovao namboarina santionany, bobongolo vola dia 800usd ao anatin'izany ny santionany sy haneho vola, ny fotoana dia manodidina 35days.
4.What dia mikasika ny fomba fandoavam-bola?
T / T fandoavam-bola ekena.
5.What momba ny fonosana?
B ottles sy ny lids seperately amin'ny baoritra feno, miampy pallets baoritra na ihany pallets fonosana
1.The indrindra fonosana fomba ampiasaintsika dia amin'ny alalan'ny fonosana boaty baoritra, boaty baoritra na ihany Plus pallet pallet fonosana toy ny nampiseho sary eto ambany.
2.Shipping: Matetika ny sambo ihany, fa samy hafa fitaovana manana tombontsoa sy ny fatiantoka.

taratasy fanamarinana
Ny fitaratra rehetra tavoahangy sy ny satroka (tinplate na plastika) no naondrana ny sakafo ny mpanjifa dia kilasy soa aman-tsara, ny entana nandalo ny SGS sakafo kilasy fitsapana, azafady jereo eto ambany fizahan-toetra ny tatitra: