linlang shanghai glass bong hookah beaker water glass pipe bowl

This beaker base ice bong from the Glasscity glass collection provides double the amount of percolation for half the price of the average high-quality beaker base percolator bong. It is equipped with all the features to deliver an optimal smoking experience and hits that are as refreshing as a summer breeze.
As you pull the smoke travels through the green inside-cut 18.8mm > 14.5mm slitted diffuser downstem. The slits in the diffuser disperse the smoke, which allows it to cool down significantly. As it moves up the smoke travels through two 6-arm tree percolators, where it gets separated again by the multiple slits of the two 6-arm tree percolators, allowing it to cool down intensely for a much softer hit. A slitted splash guard is placed above the percolators to prevent any bong water from traveling into the tube. For an even fresher rip place a few ice cubes in the tube for instant cooling of the smoke before it enters your mouth.

This elegant beaker base ice bong by Glasscity is decorated with colored accents on the downstream and the bowl. A matching colored keck clip is also included with your purchase to hold the downstream in place. Colored Glasscity decals can be found on the base and on the tube of the bong, so you know you got the real deal. This Glass city beaker base bong is available with colored accents in: black, blue, and green, so there is bound to be a color to suit your preference.

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