VALLEY COTTAGE, N.Y., Sept. 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Compared to plastic bottles, glass bottles demonstrate diminutive competency with respect to their characteristics as a packaging commodity. Despite this, the global demand for glass bottles continues to surge like the effervescence of carbonated drinks. Consumers in developed markets such as Europe still prefer buying beer, wine or non-alcoholic beverages in glass bottles. Unlike plastic bottles, glass bottles continue to be identified for their characteristic advantage in terms of hygiene, aesthetic appeal, durability, and being impermeable.
Produsen produk panganan lan wedang sing aktif ngadopsi botol kaca minangka solusi packaging sing, considering carane gendul iki bisa tetep item utuh lan uga nyegah roso bener liwat periode dangu. Kang difusi-tahan, botol kaca uga wis viewed minangka kontaner penting kanggo nyimpen senyawa molah malih, deterjen Highly-reaktif lan agen bleaching. produk kuwi duwe kuoso digunakake dening konsumen ing wangun Pharmaceuticals, surfactants domestik, lan barang kosmetik.
Miturut Future Market Insights, dikarepake kanggo botol kaca bakal soar ajeg liwat limang taun sabanjuré. Miturut 2022, pasar botol kaca global wis diantisipasi wis ngrambah menyang Nilai saka US $ 71 milyar, nggambarake a CAGR saka 4,9%. laporan uga proyèk sing Asia-Pacific kalebu Jepang (APEJ) bakal tetep ing ngarep expansion pasar sak periode ramalan.
Post time: 2019-02-13