kub muag khoom frosted iav raj mis nchuav Kua Raj mis 250Ml Kua txiv iav raj
Stylish, Classic Look
Your freshly squeezed juices look beautiful on your table & in your fridge in these classy air-tight bottles. The slim design gives the bottles a stylish, classic look, no matter where and how you use it.
Air and Water Tight Stainless Steel Caps for a Leak-Free Experience
Each cap is lined with a silicone O-ring so it will never leave a leaky mess in your car or bag, no matter how you place the bottle. Oxygen can't get in to break down the enzymes and ruin your juices.
Tough and Durable
Made of thick, ultra clear soda lime glass, the Linlang Glass Water Bottles are tough and durable. They are non permeable, have a low expansion rate and superior resistance to impact.

Q1.How Kuv yuav tau ib tug qauv?
a.Samples tsis Mekas logo yog free, Yog hais tias koj muaj peev xwm txais yuav cov kev freight.
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Yog, peb yuav tau ua artwork xws li printing, logo thiab lwm yam rau koj, Yog hais tias koj qhia rau peb cov ntsiab lus thiab qhia peb qhov chaw uas yuav muab tso rau nws.
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a.Good zoo thiab sis tw nqi.
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d.After muag khoom cov kev pab cuam, yog tias muaj zoo teeb meem, peb yuav hloov zoo fwj kom koj nyob rau hauv rau yav tom ntej kev txiav txim.
e. Peb yuav tsum ua me me kom muaj nuj nqis Mekas kom tau raws li txawv cov neeg muas zaub 'yuav tsum tau.
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T / T, Paypal, Western Union.
1. feem ntau txoj kev pob peb siv yog los ntawm thawv thawv pob, thawv thawv ntxiv pallet los yog tsuas yog pallet pob raws li hauv qab no tsom duab.
2.Shipping: Feem ntau los ntawm lub nkoj, tab sis txawv cov cuab yeej muaj qhov zoo thiab qhov tsis zoo.
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