Colorful swing mullach glainne botal
Sealladh farsaing
Quick Fiosrachadh
- Surface Làimhseachaidh:
- Industrial Cleachdaidh:
- Seòrsa ròin:
CAP a 'Chrùin
- Cleachd:
- Àite Tùs:
Jiangsu, Sìona (Tìr-mòr)
- Modail Àireamh:
- Brand Ainm:
- Bathar-ainm:
Cleachdadh an dèanamh glainne botal botal deoch botal glainne
- color:
custom dhèanamh
custom dhèanamh
- volume:
custom dhèanamh
- Barrantachaidh:
- MOQ:
- Cleachdadh:
deoch, boillsgeach deoch uisge
- stuth:
Solar Comas
- Solar Comas:
- 1000000 Piece/Pieces per Month Wholesale Factory China custom made glass bottle drink bottle be
Pacaidh & Lìbhrigeadh
- Fiosrachadh pasgaidh
- Pallet; chartan; Fhighe pocannan no mar an iarrtas agaibh airson Slàn-reic Factory Sìona Cleachdadh an dèanamh glainne botal botal deoch botal glainne
- Port
- Shanghai
- :
- 10~25days after confirmation to the order.
bathar Tuairisgeul
Slàn-reic Factory Sìona 500ml Cleachdadh an dèanamh glainne botal botal deoch botal glainne

Pacaidh & Shipping
we are professional glass bottle manufactur which specialzie in all kinds of glass bottle for over 13 years. All our production line was automatic, welcome to visit our company and we are happy to help you design your own glass bottle.

Fiosrachadh Companaidh
we are professional glass bottle manufactur which specialzie in all kinds of glass bottle for over 13 years. All our production line was automatic, welcome to visit our company and we are happy to help you design your own glass bottle.

Toraidhean co-cheangailte



Fios uinneag

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